Opening hours:

Monday – Friday, from 09.00 to 17.00.

Closed Saturday, Sundays and holidays.

Phone numbers:

From UK : +44 5603709950

From Croatia : +385 51770201

From Italy : +39 0294750107

From Spain : +34 919017778

From Slovenia: +386 18888695

E-mail: [email protected]

Seat address: Novigradska Ulica 26 A, 52470 Umag (HR)

Do you need help? Consult FAQ, you may find the answer to your question.

Do you want to add an item to your order? Sen an e-mail to [email protected] and we will add the item to your order (the items added utill 13.00 will be shipped on the same day).

For information on an order, send an e-mail with the Order number to: [email protected], our staff will replay as soon as possible.

Aer L.M. d.o.o.